My mom was born on November 30th of 1961. If you do the math,
that makes her forty-three years old, but remember...you did the math, I didn't tell you :) My mom grew up with an older brother
and sister as well as a younger brother in Ohio. That is also where she met my dad. My mom and dad were only dating for three
months before they got married and they have been married for twenty-three years. After a couple moves, because my dad couldn't
decide what radio station he wanted to work for, my mom and dad and the rest of us settled here, in Frankenmuth. My mom has
mostly worked at jewelry stores, such as Necteurleins and Ostermans but right now she is a hostess at the new brewery. She
is still looking to work back at a jewelry store though. My mom's prize possession is her 2003 limited edition chrysler seabring
convertable, that's probably because ever since she had her first child at eighteen, she has driven a mini van. My mom and
I are a lot closer than a lot of teenagers are with their parents and I could ask for it to be any other way.
My dad was born on April 23rd of 1954 and I am proud to say that
he will be HALF A CENTURY this year! My dad has been a Radio DJ ever since college and he wouldn't change a thing about his
careers. It seems like my dad had it so easy, and trust me, I've been to his work, and again, easy :) I think the hardest
thing would be waking up at four thirty every weekday morning, but I am sure that after thirteen years of waking up that early
that he is used to it, so there's nothing hard at all about his job! My dad will tell you otherwise. My dad and I don't get
along that well. My mom says that it is because we are the exact same person. For example, my dad always has to have the last
word, so do I. That right there tells you that our arguements are never ending. I still love him though!
~*Dan Burke*~ |
My other oldest brother, Dan & his ex-girlfriend, Carrie
Dan is my other brother. Dan turned twenty-one in September. Like Steve and
I, Dan attended Frankenmuth schools. The teachers there may not remember Dan, after all, he was voted least likely to be seen
in class. Dan is also musically talented. He was also in the band Ocean Sol and Burkes and Reilly. Almost
right after graduation, Dan moved to Virginia. His girlfriend, Carrie, followed shortly after. They moved into this nice duplex,
two story, wood cabin, type house. After three years of dating though, Carrie moved out. Carrie still lives in Virginia, just
not with Dan. Dan still lives in Virginia but he recently tore a ligament around his ankle and couldn't work. He received
workers comp. and is now receiving unemployment. He isn't doing to well financially but he hates taking favors from my parents
so of course, he won't move back home. We would all be a lot happier if he did.
My Nieces and Nephews
~*Owen Burke*~ |
Owen turned one year old on February 16th. There isn't much you can say about
someone who is one, but I will try. Owen has just recently started walking. He walks all the time now. He loves to dance too.
His favorite tv show is Dora. Owen can only say a few words, some of those are daddy, grandpa, nana, aunt, mama, cat, up,
hot, and we think he said "get out" twice the other day. I am very grateful to have Owen as my nephew.
~*Adrianna Pyell*~ |
Adrianna is Amanda's first child. Adrianna is seven years old. When Amanda lived
in Virginia, she and Adrianna's father had shared custody of her. After having Owen, Amanda had to move up here and she hasn't
seen Adrianna since. She has a court date in March to get full custody of Adrianna. If she does, which she will, Adrianna
will come live up here with us.
~*Steve Burke*~ |
My Oldest Brother, Steve & his fiance, Amanda
My oldest brother, Steve, is twenty-three years old and currently is a father
of two. Steve attending Frankenmuth schools also. My brother is a very musical person and performed in Venner most of
his highschool years. After graduation, Steve and his friends formed a band called Ocean Sol and they made it all
the way to a competition in California where they placed second! They also had a CD out in stores. Of course, bands break
up and they did and went their separate ways. Later on down the road, Steve moved to Virginia where my other brother already
was and where's Steve's friend Brandon was. The three of them came out with a CD called Burkes and Reilly. In Virginia,
Steve met Amanda. Amanda, at the age of twenty-four, already had two kids. Steve and Amanda went at work and started dating
after the work christmas party. Amanda got pregnant with Steve's first child, Owen, who was born on February 16th of 2003.
After Owen was born, they all moved in with us. Amanda got pregnant again, not even knowing she was for three months, and
Steve had his second child, Connor, who was born on January 27th of 2004.
~*Connor Burke*~ |
Connor was will be one month old on February 27th. Connor doesn't say anything
and Connor doesn't do anything. The only thing I can say about Connor is that he does what all new borns do and that is eat,
sleep, and go to the bathroom. Connor is too precious to leave out of my webpage though, whether or not I have much to say
about him.
~*Jacob Woodson*~ |
Jacob is Amanda's second child. Jacob is two years old. Amanda and Jake's dad
have shared custody of Jake. Thankfully, Jake's dad lives in Saginaw so it is a lot easier to see Jake. Jake lives with us
from Thursdays to Saturdays or Sundays.